Huge congratulations to Amy on becoming a Rescue Diver and to Andy on completing his Decompression Procedures course!
TDI Intro To Tec
Have you wondered what lies beyond your recreational qualifications? Ready to enhance your current skills and add additional equipment and procedures to your dives to improve safety and allow you to … Click on the image for further information
TDI Advanced Nitrox
Course duration: Two days Prerequisites: 18 years old (15 with parental consent), TDI Nitrox Diver or equivalent, show proof of 25 logged dives, complete the RSTC medical form Course cost (includes … Click on the image for further information
TDI Trimix
Are you looking to expand your depth range? Do you want to reduce narcosis during deep dives? The TDI Trimix Diver Course could be your next step! As your motivation to explore progresses, you will … Click on the image for further information
TDI Decompression Procedures
Course duration: Two days Prerequisites: 18 years old, SDI Advanced Adventure Diver or equivalent, show proof of 25 logged dives, complete the RSTC medical form Course cost (includes 2 days … Click on the image for further information